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Monday, April 11, 2011

4/11/11 Commercial

    In Media Arts class we was working on commercials and I was the one working on Music. I think that this was a fun project, because we got to find things we are interested in. We made everything by our selfs and most was on the camera and computer. I was the one faking the piano piece and it was fun. I think we should do more projects with commercials and projects where we work with other classmates.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


             An advertisement that I remember is the one about the pie flavored gum. It has like 6 pieces of gum that acts like ninjas jumping around and cutting a piece of pie. I like chewing gum and people are inventing more and more new flavors of gum. The pie flavor one is my second favorite gum. My first favorite gum is the chocolate mint ice cream gum.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


            The past few weeks we been working PSAs with some SFFS workers. There was 4 groups and I was the group in charge of the smoking one. There was 3 workers came the Francisco Middle School to help and their names are Ryan, Kirthi, and Masa. My team members are Nicky, Anthony, and me. We had a slogan that says "EVERY CIGARETTE YOU SMOKE ADDS ANOTHER NAIL TO YOUR COFFIN." So we decided to make the video with pictures of nails, and it went very well.
           While we worked on the PSA video I learned how to use words in a way where you can save lives. If I didn't know my english I wouldn't have been able to think of the slogan. I also learned that in movie making people only should use transitions if you want to show an important part of the video. I think that making videos for people is very fun and helpful. There are people out there that is quitting smoking after they watch peoples PSA videos. Lives are being saved for every PSA video you make.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Escher: Joe's Pictures

        This is a picture I made on Kerpoof that looks similar to a picture Escher made. There are three different perspectives, but it's kind of hard to see because my picture is small. In Escher's picture there are a few ways out and mines does too. It wasn't that hard to make this picture, because Kerpoof provides me the objects to it.  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Behind Media Movies....(Why I picked this book?)

             I picked "Behind Media Movies", because the cover showed flame everywhere and it was like one only good book left on the table. The cover looked good, but inside the book was all about how the make movies and if its ok to use money on one of those effects. If the effects not good they we earn less money from it. On the script it shows a place where it need to be shooted and  some group of people need to go search for that perfect shooting spot and shoot there. I didn't know that much about media until I went in Media Arts class. Plus now I learning even more things I didn't know about media and I'm sure it will help me on the podcasts we make in class. My classmates picked books that looked amazing and easy, I was planning to do that, but now I got a book that tells you almost everything about media. It was suppose to be about Lucas Arts, but the book is all about media, not what my teacher wanted.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back....

In "The Empire Strikes Back" the movie began at Hoth(Icy Place). Luke Skywalker was patrolling and saw a meteor crash. He was suppose to go back to the hide out, but instead he when over to check out the meteor. Luke Skywalker didn't know that it was something that Darth Vader send. Once Skywalker got over, a Wampa attacked him from the back. Han Solo was talking to princess and the two robots. Han Solo noticed that Luke didn't come back yet and it was evening, so he decided to go out and look for Luke. Luke was trapped in the Wampa's Cave and was tied upside down. He reached for his light saber and sliced the rope, after he fell to the ground the Wampa walked in. Luke was afraid, so he sliced the Wampa's hand off and escaped.
imgres.jpg        On the evil side was a very evil guy called "Darth Vader." Darth Vader is all over the planet looking for Luke Skywalker. He is Luke's father, but Luke doesn't find out until the end of the movie. When Darth Vader found Luke he decided to ice him up with carbon freezing. In the end of the movie Darth Vader chopped Luke's right hand off. Now Luke has a robot hand.....
        The movie was ok not that interesting. The parts where I liked about the movie are the parts where they fight, but we skipped most of it. I think I will continue watching Star Wars to get the movie more. It was weird how they put a romance part in when they didn't really show that much in it. In the star wars movie they should put in more fighting parts. If they could make one disc with all Star Wars episodes in it I will buy it and watch it all.
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Monday, January 3, 2011

Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back

          Today we are watching Star Wars and I not really in to it, because I don't really know about Star Wars. I'm going to go to a field trip to meet the Lucas people and I don't even know what Lucas people is. The movie weird to me, because this guy putted another guy in an animals body. The text they do in the beginning is cool, it moves up the screen. I will learn more about star wars and learn even more during the field trip.